Mnova Review by Mark Robert Wilcott at JACS

Title: Mnova reviewed by Mark Robert Wilcott at JACS
Authors: Mark Robert Wilcott  Mark Robert Wilcott
Date: 2010/0923
Reference: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131 (36), 13180:  J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131 (36), 13180:


'Off-line processing and the feature for generating reports are excellent. Moreover, any laboratory group with extensive NMR processing needs will find Mnova a valuable means to free up spectrometer time by moving data processing off-line. I am impressed by the concept, packaging, and utility of Mnova. Both university and industrial laboratories will find it to be an asset.'

JACS logoThe Journal of the American Chemistry Society (JACS ) has published a review of Mnova NMR written by Dr. Mark Robert Wilcott, (Rice University). Let's just quote one of his conclusions: '…Off-line processing and the feature for generating reports are excellent. Moreover, any laboratory group with extensive NMR processing needs will find Mnova a valuable means to free up spectrometer time by moving data processing off-line. I am impressed by the concept, packaging, and utility of Mnova. Both university and industrial laboratories will find it to be an asset.'. Read the complete review.

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